Read the program and download the registration form here
In nature, there is great variation in the appearance, composition, and mechanical and hydraulic properties of soil, with gradual transitions from place to place. This is due to a variety of different geological processes and mechanisms responsible for the formation of soil layers. However, there is a certain degree of order to these geological processes, so that each forms soil layers that are more or less alike.
When working with soil in connection with construction and civil engineering projects, or environmental and groundwater investigations, it is very useful to categorize the soil into a limited number of primary soil types based on certain easily recognizable or measurable characteristics.
The Danish Geotechnical Society’s Bulletin 1: “Guidelines for Engineering Geological Soil Description” describes a classification system that, based on a simple and quick visual description of the characteristics of a soil sample, possibly combined with simple classification tests, makes it possible to classify the sample as belonging to one of these soil types. This process takes us to a geological soil description.
However, the guideline can be difficult to use if one does not possess a basic understanding of how the different Danish soil types look. The purpose of the course is to provide participants with this fundamental knowledge.
We will begin with a brief overview of important geological processes and concepts, and the general properties of the main resulting soil types. Typical Danish soil types will be used as examples. We will also discuss the use of geological maps and how geological conditions influence the planning of field investigations.
For the rest of the day, the course will focus on practical exercises with soil samples. Only by getting hands-on with the soil can one truly understand the various soil classifications and primary soil types, such as clay, sand, gyttja, and peat, and learn to recognize the boundaries between them. To ensure close interaction between the instructors and each participant, the number of participants per course is limited to 16.
The course “Geological soil description” is a combination of theory and practical exercises, giving you an opportunity to apply the knowledge learned. We follow the guidelines of the Danish Geotechnical Society’s Bulletin 1: Guidelines for Engineering Geological Soil Description.
If you would like to hear more about the course, you are welcome to contact Nina Søager at or by phone at +45 3174 0573.
You can find information about other courses offered by Geo under Courses.